name: Willus (Wilhelm) Heinrich Didschus
country/region/city: Königsberg
age: 21
pronouns: he/him/his
appearance: Wilhelm has long, medium blond hair, hanging to the small of his back. His eyes are bright blue. He’s 6’1, and his skin has a light tan from working in the sun all day. He always smells of pine and sea-salt.
personality: Wilhelm is quiet and introverted. He works hard, but he appears to be lazy, due to his outwardly uncaring nature. Really, his stony nature is just a protective shell for the sensitive guy he used to be. After everything he went through, he needed to protect himself, so he retreated inside himself and will only be his true self around close family.
extra: He has a scar around his neck that looks like rug-burn. He likes to sing, play guitar, and paint. He has lots of jobs, his main jobs being dock-work and fishing, and his side gigs including commissions for album and book covers.